Tantastic arrived in the post looking absolutely gorgeous - the gift bag was filled with pink tissue, a 150ml bottle of instant tan and a hot pink applicator mitt. I was impressed and I hadn't tried the product yet. For me, the first step in trying a new fake tan is to take off the lid and smell it - Tantastic smells summery and sweet.
As recommend by the helpful how-to guide I exfoliated and moisturised the night before application to prep my skin. The next evening I poured the liquid onto the mitt and was surprised by the consistency - the fake tan is dark brown and very watery, my friend compared it to balsamic vinegar. I quickly discovered that a little goes a long way. I found the tan very easy to apply and loved that I could see exactly where it was going. The mitt allowed me to rub it in properly and avoid streaks. I applied two layers, left it to dry completely then went to bed. As promised by the guide, some colour came off in the shower the next morning.
Tantastic is absolutely one my favourite tanning products I've used - the application was so easy and the colour really natural. I was so impressed that I took the bottle and mitt to try out on my friends and they were as enthused as I was. The only part of me that had the tell tale tanning smell was my hands, despite wearing the mitt, I think I waited a little too long before washing my hands after after application. I would recommend that you make sure you wash yours thoroughly, as quickly as possible and more than once to avoid this. The colour lasted for a few few days and thankfully didn't look crumbly as it wore off.
Tastastic Instant Tan is available to buy online at http://www.tantastic.co.uk/
Usually costs £20 but there is currently a special offer: £15 for 150ml
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